French President Emmanuel Macron has firmly denied any involvement in Pavel Durov’s arrest. The Telegram founder was recently detained in Paris, leading to speculation that Macron might have been involved, possibly for political reasons related to Israel and Ukraine.
In response, Macron stated, “France is deeply committed to freedom of expression and communication, to innovation, and to the spirit of entrepreneurship. It will remain so.” He emphasized that France’s justice system operates independently, and it is the responsibility of the judicial authorities, not politicians, to determine who gets arrested. Macron made it clear that Durov’s arrest was part of an ongoing judicial investigation and had no connection to any political agenda.
Earlier, Telegram issued a statement supporting its founder, asserting that Durov has nothing to hide as frequently travels across Europe, making the timing of the arrest appear suspicious. Telegram strongly rejected the notion that a platform or its owner should be held accountable for the actions of its users. The company remains firmly behind Durov, anticipating a swift resolution to the issue. They also emphasized their commitment to adhering to regulations, particularly those of the European Union.
The messaging platform’s statement highlighted that their content moderation meets industry standards and is continually improving. They were clear in asserting that Pavel did nothing wrong and that blaming him for how users misuse the platform is completely unreasonable.
As for the issues behind Durov’s arrest, the allegations are serious. He is being charged with complicity in drug trafficking. Authorities argue that Telegram’s insufficient moderation has allowed drug trafficking to thrive on the platform, which is a major concern.
But that’s not all. Durov is also accused of negligence in preventing the spread of child sexual exploitation content on Telegram. Additionally, the charges include fraud and involvement in organized crime.
Investigators claim that by failing to take appropriate action, Durov has allowed criminal activities to flourish on Telegram. With its vast user base and limited content moderation, the platform has allegedly become a haven for such activities, according to the authorities.
Furthermore, Durov is facing accusations related to cyberbullying and even the promotion of terrorism.
Today's Gazette
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